Genshin Impact: Jean Constellations Explained

Build Guide Best Weapons
Team Compositions Constellation Guide

As players save up Primogems and wish on their desired banner only to lose the pity in Genshin Impact, it’s inevitable that some characters from the standard banner will haunt them with their constellations. Not to mention that some pull on the standard banner on purpose to unlock new abilities for their favorite characters. Alas, not all characters’ constellations are worth getting.

In Jean’s case, she is already a great support character on C0 in Genshin Impact. Therefore, unlocking her constellations will undoubtedly aid players in their journey and help shape Jean as a better support in Genshin Impact.

C1 – Spiraling Tempest

Constellation Effect Increases the pulling speed of Gale Blade after holding for more than 1s, and increases the DMG dealt by 40%.
Priority Medium

Considering Jean has an Elemental Skill with a low cooldown, Spiraling Tempest will further increase the Skill’s speed and damage.

C2 – People’s Aegis

Constellation Effect When Jean picks up an Elemental Orb/Particle, all party members have their Movement SPD and ATK SPD increased by 15% for 15s.
Priority Very high

This is without a doubt the best constellation for Jean in Genshin Impact. Collecting an Elemental Orb will increase Jean and other team members’ movement and ATK speed, which is a great advantage for characters that depends on Normal Attack.

C3 – When the West Wind Arises

Constellation Effect Increases the Level of Dandelion Breeze by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Priority High


C4 – Lands of Dandelion

Constellation Effect Within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze, all opponents have their Anemo RES decreased by 40%.
Priority Very high (Anemo DPS support)

The Lands of Dandelion is a must to make Jean a top-tier support for Anemo characters in Genshin Impact. Upon unleashing her Elemental Burst, all enemies’ Anemo resistance will decrease by 40%, giving Anemo units a great chance to cause massive damage.

C5 – Outbursting Gust

Constellation Effect Increases the Level of Gale Blade by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Priority Medium


C6 – Lion’s Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt

Constellation Effect Incoming DMG is decreased by 35% within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze. Upon leaving the Dandelion Field, this effect lasts for 3 attacks or 10s.
Priority Very high

C6 Jean is a double edge sword since the damage reduction is certainly a nice bonus, but players have to stay inside the Dandelion Field for the passive to take effect.

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